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Franklin Golden has served a handful of North Carolina churches over the past twenty years. You'd never know it from the low production value of Durham Church worship, but in a past life he produced musicals. Franklin is married to his long-time best pal, Martha, a psychologist in private practice. Martha and Franklin live in the Orange County woods where Martha wages non-violent war against flower-eating deer and Franklin builds guitars. Their two youngest children, Lily and Davis, have a few more years at home before they break their old dad's heart and leave the nest. Their oldest child Mawi (pronounced “Moi”), with her husband John, welcomed a son, Kai, in April 2022. 
Erin Payne was born and raised in Durham. She has a deep love for her city. Since graduating from Appalachian State, Erin has worked as a teacher, founder of a mentor ministry, wellness coordinator, employment counselor, life coach and a long-term volunteer with Reality Ministry!

Relationships are the heart of everything Erin does. (If you are into the Enneagram, you won’t be surprised to learn Erin is a seven!) Erin's hope for the church is to be a place where people come alive together in a shared life of healing, justice, radical love, and welcome.